Rotate speed and feed speedometer calculate

  • Time:
  • Click:73
  • source:FRESE CNC Machining
Rotate speed of station of machine tool of numerical control of <FORM Name=ThisForm> China and feed speedometer calculate Nclick=selectlathe(this.

D= Nblur=validate(this of diameter of milling of turning of Form) Type=radio CHECKED Name=choice> .


Vc= Nblur=validate(this of speed of cutting of D) Size=7 Value=20 Name=d> Mm.


Vc) Size=7 Value=250 Name=vc> M/min Nclick=calculatedate(this.

Fz= Nblur=validate(this of feed of result of Name=B1> of computation of Form) Type=button Value= .


Fz) Size=7 Value=0.

Tine of 2 Name=fz> Mm/z counts Z= Nblur=validate(this.


Z) Size=7 Value=1 Name=z> </FORM> CNC Milling CNC Machining